January 18th, 2025
The Entrepreneurial spirit - Essential startup mindset

Written by
Ankit Gupta

Startups are not built with a snap of your fingers. It needs daily dedicated efforts with an iterative approach

It's a fact that if you constantly improve yourself, you would definitely become the owner of a thriving business. To always have the fuel of this mindset, you need to first believe in yourself !
True Belief in yourself represents the 50% of the startup mindset. Startups are built if you have a real passion towards it, of course not a fake one.
This gives you the ability to think and work in the right direction. Afterall The company's values and people will ultimately reflect the founder's mindset.
Having this mindset allows you to absorb positive energy and find solutions to any problem. You would realize that the solution was always near you. It was just the correct mindset and focus needed to discover it.
Remember, The faster you move, the higher is your chance of success.
This is the 2nd most important asset that a founder must have in order to move faster.
Contemplate yourself every time you think things are not going as expected. Are you giving your 100% focus on the task you are working on? If not, then what is that unwanted stuff that is taking away your focus from your daily goals.
Is it social media, family matters, working on multiple goals at a time, or anything else? You need to sort them as soon as possible, depending on your circumstances. Basically it just takes 1 or 2 hours of focused thinking on it, to find the solution to these types of problems.
Afterall we are not Superhuman, We can only increase our capability by an increased amount of Focus.
Multiple Tasks
Lot of us start doing multiple things at a time and then later realize that none of them reached its final goal in its expected time. The truth is- We must execute one idea at a time. One idea can have many different tasks, that is fine. But the goal of all those tasks is to successfully build one Idea/business at a time, especially if it's your debut. I don't need to again talk about the importance of focus here.
But Practically you cannot have 100% focus, because 10-15 of your attention will be taken up by unexpected daily events. You cannot do anything about it, except to work on it. So better to complete them with the focus that it deserves.

Daily and Monthly Goals
Having achievable monthly goals and then dividing it into weekly and daily goals, sets you free from confusion in your startup journey.
But what if you are not able to achieve these goals? You should not worry, unless you were not honest and disciplined.
Note, There must not be any anxiety and depression in your startup journey.
Anxiety, Depression and Health
The startup journey is similar to a journey towards your favorite holiday destination. You might feel a bit burnt out but at the same time you know, the destination is beautiful. So of course it's better to enjoy every step of the journey !
Instead of feeling depressed, you must learn from every mistake. This is the key to a positive mindset and success.
Mindfulness and Meditation has always helped people to resolve such problems, increasing focus level and confidence. Check out our Meditation Program for Entrepreneurs and Get rid of clutter
After everything is going right for you and you have achieved your goal. The most dangerous thing pops into your head—your ego. You start feeling that you are very great, or you alone can do everything for your business. In fact few people also start feeling that they are greater than their own Guru. This is the level of Ego that people develop and then your growth graph starts to decline. You might realize lately that you were the reason for it.
So if you want to keep on growing, then Be Grounded. As you can only run when you are on the ground. So always be humble and grateful for whatever you have achieved and open to learn.
Open to learn
Open to learn brings us to our next Blog -> Steps to starting up.